Consult Maie Elamry

Testimonial Category: Envision + Elevate


Maie was an excellent moderator. She was energetic and very knowledgeable. She kept the group engaged and the topic interesting. I would absolutely recommend joining her courses.


10/10 would attend another event hosted by Maie. She maintained a good flow, kept everyone on track and maintained a high level of energy throughout the ENTIRE event. Maie was able to “read the room” even through Zoom and encouraged guests to participate in dancing, which really helped liven up points of lull.


Maie was an excellent moderator. She was energetic and very knowledgable. She kept the group engaged and the topic interesting. I would absolutely recommend joining her courses! Great job Maie!


Maie set up a judgement free environment that fostered deep critical thinking. She broke down barriers and got me assessing my life currently and provides the tools I need to reach for my goals. I look forward to Maie’s future events.


I loved this event. It was unlike anything I’ve ever been to. Maie really outdid herself. The event was full of amazing information and I left the event feeling unstoppable! I would highly recommend any of Maie’s events to absolutely everyone!


I found this event (Envision+Elevate) very knowledgeable and clarifying. There was a lot of depth and reason for all that was brought out to the table. There was a lot of self realizations for me during this event and would definitely recommend it!! Plus it was a good time!


Maie held space for us to dig deep and express our desire. She was supportive and thorough, time flew by! Highly suggest making it to her events!


Maie’s Envision + Elevate 2021 event was so fun while we delving into our inner selves. We explored our own current situations while looking ahead to our wishes for 2021. I learned things I haven’t elsewhere and am grateful for the opportunity to have participated.


Maie is so good at hosting group events like these because she knows how to adapt to the energy and hype people up.